InfoWorks WS Pro | Fundamentals
InfoWorks ICM is the first software modelling package allowing the full integration of hydrodynamic and hydrological models within a powerful workgroup management platform.
This course is designed to introduce the functionality of the InfoWorks WS Pro software. The course is aimed at water supply engineers, technicians and operators with knowledge of water supply network modelling.
The course explains the data handling capability, file structure and basic functionality of InfoWorks and features basic case studies to demonstrate the features covered during the day.
Course Outline
The course agenda:
Session 1:
- Hydraulics Intro and Theory
- Using WS Pro
- Making Changes
Session 2:
- Modelling Scenarios
- Demand
Session 3:
- Backgrounds and Themes
- Pump Stations
- Model Build
Session 4:
- Importing and Exporting Data
- Control Valves
- Intro to Water Quality Runs