Custom Training Options
Civil Survey Solutions can provide custom training on most AEC industry Autodesk software, as well as Civil Site Design, Stringer Topo, and more. We will provide all training labs and equipment required, with pre-installed software and data, so there is no downtime in the sessions.
Learn. Develop. Deliver.
Delivered by Experts
Our trainers are all experts in their respective fields, with extensive real-world experience in both the public and private sector. Not only do they understand the technology they are teaching, but how to teach it in a way to get the most out of the attendee's.
Click here for Our Trainers
Project Support
Online Suppot
Our Project Support offer is a bank of online hours that a client can draw down on when required. Usually the client is assigned a particular technical staff that they may have dealt with before but not in every case.
The default offer is 10 hours, with each session up to 2 hours which allows for better scheduling. The minimum offer is 2 hours. This is an extension of our support service and to address particular process or skill gaps or new features and functions.
Please note, our Consulting Services involving project initialisation, customisation or project deliverables are scoped, priced and engaged differently. The advantage of the Project Support Hours is that they can be utilised at your convenience and when the project issues occur.
On-Premise Support
The minimum On-Premise Support offer is 1 day. This is an extension of our support service and to address particular process or skill gaps or new features and functions.
Collaborative Approach
You can consult with the Training Coordinator and Techincal Manager to develop a curriculum that is suitable for your team and project.
All Civil Survey Solutions Custom Training is tailored to the needs and required outcomes of your organisation. Simply let us know the challenges you are facing, and we will develop a training solution for you. The courses will be run by our industry experts with decades of real-world experience.
Civil Survey Solutions can provide custom training on most AEC industry Autodesk software, as well as Civil Site Design, Stringer Topo, and more.
We will provide all training labs and equipment required, with pre-installed software and data, so there is no downtime in the sessions.
The timings and duration of the training will be unique to your requirements, and can be adapted to meet you and your teams availability.
To enquire about our customer training opportunities, please complete the enquiry form linked below.
Earn CPD
Civil Survey Solutions adheres to the guidance from Engineers Australia and assigns CPD points based on the hours of instruction or length of session. CPD allocations can be found on our course catalogue, utilising the guide that one hour of instruction equates to one CPD point.
Continuing Professional Development is lifelong learning for professionals, and includes activities that expand your knowledge and teach you new skills. Many professional accreditations and associates include an obligation to ensure that their members are actively developing and maintaining professional integrity.
Civil Survey Solutions will provide a certificate of completion which includes the course or session CPD allocation.
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